One With the Weave is a passion-fueled fan project that will celebrate our love for our wizardly companion, Gale Dekarios. We will remain a digital fanzine but whether or not we will do so for charity or free will be decided on our Interest Check. This will ensure that we can provide a polished product at a lower cost for everyone to enjoy.

Our Interest Check is open until July 27th.Be sure to follow our socials for more frequent updates.

The mod team is voluntarily working on this project out of passion and not for profit. Our focus is to ensure that all contributors have the creative freedom to use their talents to celebrate the fandom as a collaboration.Mod applications will be opened from August 3rd - August 24th.
All mod guidelines and app requirements can be found HERE.



Head, Graphic, & Social

I'm just a huge nerd who has fallen in love with not only Baldur's Gate but Gale. It's like he rolled a nat 20 and succeeded in casting Charm Person on my heart. (I also blame my BFF for writing such a lovely, technically this is her fault.)



Co-Head & Writing

Howdy! Ever since playing Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ve developed an obsession with the world and characters. Gale is such a fantastic character who deserves a bag of holding’s worth of love! I also enjoy writing for him and it’s my fault my dear bff loves him. Teehee!

The information we gather from the Interest Check will help us to decide on how many contributors we will need in order to make this project happen. Our Interest Check will open June 29th, so mark it down and don't miss out on letting your voice be heard.

Contributor Apps will open August 31st - September 28th.

This schedule is meant to give you an idea of the timeline expected for the zine but nothing is set in stone. Depending on the needs of our mods and contributors, the schedule is subject to change.
Follow our socials for updates.

Interest CheckJune 29th - July 27th
Mod AppsAugust 3rd - August 24th
Mod EmailsAugust 26th
Guest InvitesAugust 31st - September 7th
Contributor AppsAugust 31st - September 28th
Contributor EmailsOctober 5th
Creation Phase Begins 
Pitches DueOctober 26th
Pitches AssignedNovember 2nd
Check-in 1December 7th
Check-in 2January 11th, 2024
Check-in 3February 8th, 2024
Check-in 4March 8th, 2024
Deadline for Finished PiecesApril 5th, 2024
FormattingApril 6th - May 4th

The following guidelines are for all contributor applicants interested in joining the project. Be sure to read through them carefully before applying to ensure that you're following the requirements laid out for the zine. For further instruction on specific guidelines such as Artist, Writer, and Cosplay, please scroll down.

Contributor Applications will open August 31st - September 28thMod Gudielines are separate and can be found HERE.

  • Must be at least 18 years of age to apply.

  • Any Google links you share must have viewing permissions set correctly or we cannot see them!

  • Either have Discord or be willing to create an account since this will be the primary method of communicating.

  • Carefully read through the Artist/Writer/Cosplay guidelines when applying. Keep in mind the word count and required quality for submissions as straying from these could affect your application.

  • Please try to keep your application as anonymous as possible. We want to give everyone a fair chance.

  • NSFW samples are accepted but those containing sensitive content such as non-con, dub-con, blood, gore, etc, must be tagged accordingly. If you have any questions as to what could be considered a trigger, please reach out to the head mod or use our Retrospring to inquire. (It is always good practice to have a separate section in your portfolio for NSFW content to keep it divided.)

  • Sexual content involving underaged characters is the only thing not allowed. Everything else is fair game.

  • Tav/OC and ship content is encouraged, especially if Gale is involved.

  • You do not need to have any Gale or BG3 samples in your portfolio but it is encouraged.

  • If the Interest Check shows a desire for an NSFW add-in, this section will have a mix of different adult themes ranging from sexual content, darker angst, blood/gore, and extreme feels. Anything that's not suited for the SFW section.

  • AI is prohibited. Any portfolio found to include AI will be immediately tossed out. Any contributors found to be using AI generation will be asked to leave the project.

Page, Comic & Spot Art

  • All general guidelines still apply.

  • 3-5 high-quality samples of your work. Not all of them have to be BG3 or Gale related, if at all. Samples will give us a quick look into your work and can be included in your portfolio if you so choose.

  • At least 1 of your samples must have a background. Having more is encouraged.

  • Your portfolio should include as much of what you would deem your best work for our moderators to see! We want to see your use of color theory, anatomy, composition, light, shading, and backgrounds (if applicable).

  • You may submit traditional art just as long as it is a high-quality scan/photo, so we can see your hard work.

  • You may submit 3D art if that is what you speaclize in. 3D art will be accepted into the zine since it is still an artistic medium.

  • Page Artists, if accepted, will be required to complete either a full page illustration or a spread (2 pages) with backgrounds.

  • Comic Artist, if accepted, will be required to complete 2-4 pages of a cohesive comic that tells a short tale.

  • Spot Artist, if accepted, will be collaborating with a writer to illustrate their story with at least 1-3 small drawings. These do not require backgrounds.


  • All general guidelines still apply.

  • 3-5 high-quality samples of your work. Not all of them have to be BG3 or Gale related, if at all. Samples will give us a quick look into your work and can be included in your portfolio if you so choose.

  • Having samples of digital merch is not required, but it is encouraged. (Ex: icons, emotes, banners, wallpapers, coloring pages, prints, printable journals, bookmarks, calendars, etc.)

  • You may submit physical merch as well even though we are a digital only zine. These could aid us in seeing your creative range.

  • Your portfolio should include as much of what you would deem your best work for our moderators to see! We want to see your use of color theory, anatomy, composition, light, shading, and backgrounds (if applicable).

  • You may submit traditional art just as long as it is a high-quality scan/photo, so we can see your hard work.

  • If accepted, Merch Artists will be required to create 1-3 different kinds of digital merch. The mod team will be there to help spark your creativity and inspiration for what to design.

  • All general guidelines still apply.

  • 3-5 high-quality samples of your writing. Not all of them have to be BG3 or Gale related, if at all. Samples will give us a quick look into your work and can be included in your portfolio if you so choose.

  • All samples must be between 500 to 1,500 words.

  • Samples can be excerpts from fully finished or in-progress stories. The full story needs to be linked in the shared doc.

  • At least 1 story needs to be a completed work if possible.

  • Your portfolio should include as much of what you would deem your best work for our moderators to see! You may link your A03 as a portfolio but we would prefer to see your samples in Google Drive to keep it as anonymous as possible

  • Moderators will look at your grammar, spelling, interactions between characters, flow, and how well you portray the subject matter.

  • If accepted, Writers will be required to complete at least one story between 1.5k-5k.

  • All general guidelines still apply.

  • 3-5 high-quality samples of your work. Not all of them have to be BG3 or Gale related, if at all. Samples will give us a quick look into your work and can be included in your portfolio if you so choose.

  • Your portfolio should include as much of what you would deem your best work for our moderators to see! We want to see your craftsmanship in both building a cosplay, editing photos, and photography (you may have a photographer).

  • All photos submitted must be high quality files or scans.

  • If accepted, Cosplayers, will be required to put together, shoot, edit, and present at least one high quality photo but can submit up to three if they so choose.

Here is a list of some frequently asked questions. This list will be updated as needed. All other inquiries can be directed to our Retrospring.

Is this going to be a digital or physical zine?
This will be a digital zine in order to keep it at lower cost for more consumers to enjoy.
Will this zine be free or for profit?
The Interest Check will decide if we remain free or if we will raise money for charity. Either way, this will remain a non-profit project.
Is there an age limit for moderators and contributors?
Yes, all mods and contributors must be at least 18 at the time of application.
Do you need prior zine experience to apply?
Past zine experience is not required and will not affect your application. We welcome first-timers as much as we do veterans.
What content is allowed?
Most content is allowed and will be properly tagged with one exception: sexual content involving underage characters is prohibited. All extreme and/or explicit content will be separated into an NSFW add-on. Such content sexual in nature, darker angst, blood/gore, and anything on the more twisted side.
(The inclusion of a NSFW add-on of course will be decided by the Interest Check.)
Will contributors be judged or excluded for any fictional content they've posted on other platforms, no matter how dark or "problematic"?
The Mod team is very pro-fic and we believe everyone has the right to create what they want without judgement. We do not tolerate harassment here and our main goal is to ensure everyone, no matter their stance on fiction, gets a safe place to explore their creativity. We will remain unbiased.
Will this be a Gale solo zine or will there be Gale ships? If yes to the latter, will these include Tav/OCs?
This will be decided upon by the Interest Check. Stay tuned for updates.
Is 3D art allowed?
Yes, 3D art is still art and we encourage artists who dabble in that medium to apply.
Is AI allowed?
No. Any art or writing created by using AI generation is prohibited. All applications should not include AI at all. Any contributors found to be using AI will be asked to leave the project.